Au moment où j'ai lancé cette rubrique, j'avais fait une liste de groupes ou d'artistes qui pourrait y figurer. Elliott Smith en faisait bien sûr partie, comment aurait-il pu en être autrement? Six mois que ce blog existe et pas un mot sur l'un de mes songwriters préférés, ça ne pouvait plus durer...
Le problème évidemment est: quel titre choisir? Six albums au compteur (bientôt sept) soit près de 80 chansons qui vont du très bien au carrément génial... Finalement, comme François Bayrou, j'ai fait le choix de ne pas choisir. Et j'ai laissé l'actualité musicale du moment décider de la chanson parfaite d'Elliott Smith: ce sera donc Between The Bars.
Drink up, baby, stay up all night
With the things you could do, you won't but you might
The potential you'll be that you'll never see
The promises you'll only make
Drink up with me now and forget all about the pressure of days
Do what I say and I'll make you okay and drive them away
The images stuck in your head
people you've been before that you don't want around anymore
that push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still
Drink up, baby, look at the stars, I'll kiss you again
Between the bars where I'm seeing you there
With your hands in the air waiting to finally be caught
Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine
Keep you apart deep in my heart separate from the rest
Where I like you the best
And keep the things you forgot
The people you've been before that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still
With the things you could do, you won't but you might
The potential you'll be that you'll never see
The promises you'll only make
Drink up with me now and forget all about the pressure of days
Do what I say and I'll make you okay and drive them away
The images stuck in your head
people you've been before that you don't want around anymore
that push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still
Drink up, baby, look at the stars, I'll kiss you again
Between the bars where I'm seeing you there
With your hands in the air waiting to finally be caught
Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine
Keep you apart deep in my heart separate from the rest
Where I like you the best
And keep the things you forgot
The people you've been before that you don't want around anymore
That push and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still
Elliott Smith: Between The Bars (mp3), sur l'album Either/Or
Chris Garneau: Between The Bars (mp3), titre caché à la fin de l'album Music For Tourists
François Virot: Between The Bars (mp3), sur sa page Myspace spéciale covers
Chris Garneau a aussi interprété cette chanson lors du concert à emporter que la Blogothèque lui avait consacré
Le prochain album d'Elliott Smith (le 2e posthume) s'intitule New Moon et sort le 7 mai chez Pias
Tiens, encore une petite trouvée sur YouTube, et elle est très jolie!! (Metric en session acoustique)
Si vous êtes plus courageux que moi, n'hésitez pas à proposer votre chanson parfaite d'Elliott Smith...