Après Women, encore un autre groupe ingooglisable et qui ment sur son identité sexuelle: Girls. Non, toutes les filles de la photo ci-dessus ne font pas partie du groupe, elles prenaient juste le bus à ce moment là. Ce sont les deux garçons au premier plan qui composent Girls, Christopher Owens et Chet JR White (de droite à gauche).
En fait je pensais tomber une fois de plus sur un groupe noisy pénible néo-shoegaze genre... enfin vous voyez quoi, tous les trucs hype en ce moment. Il y a bien cette guitare électrique limite shoegaze en arrière-plan au début de Hellhole Ratrace, puis plus limite du tout sur la fin du morceau, mais point de noisy ou de pénible chez Girls (hype par contre...). La guitare acoustique est splendide, la mélodie également, le chant de Christopher de même, légèrement détaché et désabusé pour chanter ce texte qui semble n'être destiné qu'à moi.
im sick and tired of the way that i feel,
im sick of dreaming and its never for real.
im all alone with my deep thoughts.
im all alone with my heartache and my good intentions.
i work to eat and drink and sleep just to live,
feels like im never getting back what i give.
ive got a sad song in my sweet heart.
and all i really am is needing some love and attention.
and i dont want to cry my whole life through,
i want to do some laughing too.
so come on, come on, come on, come on, laugh with me.
and i dont want to die without shaking up a thing or two,
yeah, i want to do some dancing too.
so come on, come on, come on, come on, dance with me.
sometimes youve just gotta make it for yourself.
sometimes sugar, it just takes someone else.
sometimes youve just gotta make it for yourself.
sometimes baby, you just need someone else.
and i dont want to cry my whole life through
i want to do some laughing too
so come on, come on, come on, come on, laugh with me.
and i dont want to die without shaking up a thing or two
yeah, i want to do some dancing too
so come on, come on, come on, come on, dance with me.
im sick of dreaming and its never for real.
im all alone with my deep thoughts.
im all alone with my heartache and my good intentions.
i work to eat and drink and sleep just to live,
feels like im never getting back what i give.
ive got a sad song in my sweet heart.
and all i really am is needing some love and attention.
and i dont want to cry my whole life through,
i want to do some laughing too.
so come on, come on, come on, come on, laugh with me.
and i dont want to die without shaking up a thing or two,
yeah, i want to do some dancing too.
so come on, come on, come on, come on, dance with me.
sometimes youve just gotta make it for yourself.
sometimes sugar, it just takes someone else.
sometimes youve just gotta make it for yourself.
sometimes baby, you just need someone else.
and i dont want to cry my whole life through
i want to do some laughing too
so come on, come on, come on, come on, laugh with me.
and i dont want to die without shaking up a thing or two
yeah, i want to do some dancing too
so come on, come on, come on, come on, dance with me.

L'album de Girls, Album, sortira le 22 septembre prochain chez True Panther/Matador, mais en attendant vous pouvez vous procurez ce superbe single 10'' chez Fantasy Trashcan, avec la chanson Solitude en face B. Et une jolie pochette qui plairait à Start Murdoch!
Les deux titres sont disponible gratuitement grâce à Matador:
Girls: Hellhole Ratrace (mp3)
Girls: Solitude (mp3)
Hellhole Ratrace sera sur l'album, Solitude non. Une autre chanson de l'album à venir, Lust for Life ("this is not a cover" comme le dirait Eddie Argos d'Art Brut), est à télécharger chez la Blogothèque.